We Believe In
Internet Safety

Our Policy

Silver Vein's Internet Safety and Legal Compliance Policy Statement


Silver Vein is committed to fostering a safe and secure online environment for our employees, customers, and partners. We recognize the importance of responsible use of the internet and strict adherence to all applicable laws and regulations. This statement outlines our company's policies and expectations regarding internet safety and legal compliance.

Internet Safety

  • Responsible Use: We expect all employees to use the internet in a responsible and professional manner, respecting intellectual property rights and avoiding any activity that could be considered illegal, offensive, or harmful. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Downloading or distributing copyrighted material without permission.
    • Engaging in cyberbullying or harassment.
    • Accessing or sharing inappropriate content.
    • Using company resources for personal gain or unauthorized activities.
  • Data Security: We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of all data entrusted to us, including customer information, employee data, and intellectual property. We have implemented robust security measures to safeguard this information and maintain compliance with relevant data privacy regulations.
  • Cybersecurity Awareness: We encourage all employees to be vigilant about cybersecurity threats and best practices. This includes promptly reporting any suspicious activity or suspected security breaches to the IT department.

Legal Compliance

  • Commitment to the Law: [Company Name] is committed to conducting all business activities in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to data privacy, intellectual property, and online marketing.
  • Ethical Conduct: We strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings. We expect employees to act with integrity and avoid any conduct that could be considered unethical or illegal.
  • Transparency: We are committed to operating with transparency and ensuring that our policies and procedures are readily available to all employees and stakeholders.


[Company Name] takes any violation of this policy seriously. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Company Name] believes that responsible internet use and strict adherence to legal compliance are essential for maintaining a safe and ethical work environment and building trust with our customers. We encourage all employees to review this policy and to act in accordance with its principles.

Please Note: This is a sample policy statement and may need to be adapted to meet the specific needs and legal requirements of your company. You should consult with legal counsel to ensure that your policy is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.



18 USC 2257

(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(2) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;
shall create and maintain individually identifiable records pertaining to every performer portrayed in such a visual depiction.
(b) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall, with respect to every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct—
(1) ascertain, by examination of an identification document containing such information, the performer’s name and date of birth, and require the performer to provide such other indicia of his or her identity as may be prescribed by regulations;
(2) ascertain any name, other than the performer’s present and correct name, ever used by the performer including maiden name, alias, nickname, stage, or professional name; and
(3) record in the records required by subsection (a) the information required by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection and such other identifying information as may be prescribed by regulation.
(c) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall maintain the records required by this section at his business premises, or at such other place as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe and shall make such records available to the Attorney General for inspection at all reasonable times.

All models pictured are 18 years of age old or older. 


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